September 29, 2008

Taking Shape

Progress report: Harper is cuter than ever (pictured below with her peeps) and is sporting a much-needed new haircut. Plus her room now has carpet, providing a safe, soft place to play.

As for the house, the back addition of bathroom/utility room/screened porch is taking shape thanks to the genius of Mr. Jay. (Q: What do you do with three straight walls, but no square angles? A: After much cursing and contemplation, create an architectural element that was "always" a part of the plan. Note the angled soffit - should read better once siding is on.)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys are crazy busy in your new home. How did the move go? Are you liking being back in Kansas? Harper is just a doll. She gets cuter all the time. Isn't it amazing how fast they seem to grow up? Take care!
